Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our contact info:

I can't understate how nice it is to hear from home. We're loving it here (more or less), but it's nice to hear from you folks, and get an idea of what's going with you all, what's new in sports, or what the latest entertainment gossip is for Jen... priorities.

The internet works s l o w l y here, thinnk early dial up days, minus that sound. I'm not complaining, we've got acces to the internet, but we kind of have to pick and choose what we try to keep up with.

Our school emails are the best way to reach us: (that's Jen's) (that's Grant's)

We've got cell phones set up now:

Grant: 263-4-091-242-3489
Jen: 263-4-091-225-2891

Our home landline has been set-up. You can call us at:

Our physical address is
18 Westcott Rd.
Mt. Pleasant
Harare, Zimbabwe

Our mailing address is
66 Pendennis Rd.
Mt. Pleasant
Harare, Zimbabwe
In case you wanted to send snail mail, a care package, or some good beer (more on that later)

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